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Roll Rod

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  • Performance

    Roll Rod, located between the vehicle body and the engine, is used to control the excessive movement of the engine.
    1) Major Performance: Vibration Isolation, Shake Control, Movement Control of Power Train.
    2) Type: Conv Bush, Conv Rod, Hydro Rod

  • Size/Standard

    BUSH type: Approx. Φ100 X H 178 mm
    ROD type: Approx. 160 X 54 X 331 mm

  • Weight

    BUSH type: Approx. 2.3 Kg
    ROD type: Approx. 1.7 Kg

  • Key Features

    1) Engine Roll Mode control based on the fluctuation of Engine Torque while driving.
    2) Engine Idle Shake Control.
    3) Engine Movement (Clearance in Engine Compartment) Control.
    4) Vibration Isolation generated from the Engine.