About Company

Anti-Vibration System

Its main function is to minimize vibrations and noises generated from vibration sources of machines and vehicles and its additional function is to enhance reliability and durability of machines and vehicles. Our company produces the powertrain mount, the suspension and chassis, advanced products and TVD related products.

Power Train Mount
Power Train Mount의 이미지
Suspension & Chasis
Power Train Mount의 이미지
Advanced Products
Power Train Mount의 이미지
Engine System
Power Train Mount의 이미지
Engine+Belt System
Power Train Mount의 이미지

Hose System

It is made of rubber or reinforced braid (if the pressure acts inside of the hose, the reinforcement layer is ed between the rubber layers to withstand the pressure and to increase durability) ed rubber. Its main function is to feed the power, coolant, lubricant and fuel to each system by transporting the fluid between parts. Our company produces products for the fuel system, braking/steering system, air system and cooling system

Fuel System
Power Train Mount의 이미지
Braking/Steering System
Power Train Mount의 이미지
Air System
Power Train Mount의 이미지
Cooling System
Power Train Mount의 이미지

Defense Industry

This is the industry that conducts R&D, production and upkeep of military weapons and equipment for national defense. Since becoming qualified as a military materials manufacturer in 1975, our company has produced caterpillar and road wheel rubber products for combat vehicles and specialized rubber

Power Train Mount의 이미지
Power Train Mount의 이미지
Road Wheel
Power Train Mount의 이미지