About Company
  • 2014 08 Pyung Hwa Industrial was certified by the VW audit.
  • 2014 05 Pyung Hwa Industrial Co., Ltd. acquired and merged Fabco Co., Ltd.
  • 2012 08 The production technology of the highly heat-resistant synthetic rubber mount for vehicle; New Technology NET certified
  • 2010 12 Pyung Hwa Industrial achieved 5 stars in technology from Hyundai Kia Motors.
  • 2008 05 Spin-off (Spin-off: Fabco Co., Ltd., Original: Pyung Hwa Industrial Co., Ltd.)
  • 2008 01 Selected as a company specialized in parts and materials by the Ministry of Knowledge Economy
  • 2006 10 Acquired the China mandatory certification (CCC)
  • 2006 05 Spin-off (Spin-off: Pyung Hwa Industrial Co., Ltd., Original: Pyung Hwa Holdings Co., Ltd.)