Pyung Hwa Love Community

Establishment Objective and Purposes

Establishment Objective

Under the fundamental awareness that development of Pyung Hwa should be shared with the local community, the Company defined social service activities as part of management activities and established the Love Community for the purpose to contribute to the local community as 'a part of life which employees share'.

Establishment Purposes
To actively participate in voluntary services as a member of the local community

The purpose is to feed vital energy to the local community through active participation and services and to build a positive atmosphere by participating in local issues and solutions beyond the passive conventional monetary donations.

To change the employees' perspective of values

Voluntary activities will provide naturally coexisting virtue and sharing pleasure and will form the sound view of values that a fruitful life is appreciated at all times.

To promote harmony and sense of unity between the Company and employees

Through the voluntary serving environment under the name of the Company, loyalty to the Company will be inspired and while serving together, a harmonized atmosphere will be formed between departments and partners.


Regular Activities
  • Social welfare facilities support (free meal service for the homeless and the low income bracket, orphanage support, homeless center support and support to rehabilitation facilities for the disable including the dementia center)
  • Support of neighbors in need (guardian and monetary support to families without parents and the single elderly)
Irregular Activities

Though irregular, activities such as blood donations and undernourished children support are held for all of the employees not only members but non-members to participate.

Other Activities
  • Needy Employees Support : Whenever an unfortunate situation occurs to employees, they receive full support.
  • Needy Neighbors Support upon Employee Recommendation : When an employee recommends, the secretariat deliberates and determines whether to support it.
  • Voluntary Services of Employees : Departmental or companywide voluntary services (such as the cleanup movement)
  • Emergency Disaster Relief : For damages caused by natural disasters (such as flooding disaster), in-kind support and voluntary service
  • Flood Victims Support : Donation to flood victims