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Here and now, our company places high value on human life.

Code of Ethics

Home Social Contribution Ethical Management Code of Ethics

Under the management philosophy, "Make excellent products in an ideal environment in order to be prosperous together.”, Pyung Hwa has conducted faithful and upright management as its corporate management base.

Positioning the future of the company to be in the best state possible, we shall faithfully and actively follow the code of ethics to develop a sound and fair corporate culture by enacting the code of ethics that make the standard for decision making and activities of every employee of the Company as follows.

  • 1We shall place customer satisfaction as our top priority value, we shall provide the best products and services to customers so to grow together and with sustainable growth through efficient management, and we shall maximize shareholders’ return on investment.
  • 2We shall place customer satisfaction as our top priority value, we shall provide the best products and services to customers so as to grow together and with sustainable growth through efficient management, and we shall maximize shareholders’ return on investment.
  • 3As a member of the country and the local community, not only we shall comply with all ranges of laws but also we shall honor social value and contribute to the development of society and the country.
  • 4We shall establish an organizational culture where each employee is respected as an independent human being, fair opportunity is provided to each employee and each employee is fairly evaluated and rewarded according to his/her competence and talent.
  • 5To foster our employees to become enterprising and creative, we shall keep developing and actively support professional training program.
  • 6Based on '11 missions to wholeheartedly remember', each of us shall be proud of being a real member of Pyung Hwa and shall do our best to build a sound and clean corporate culture.