Ethical Management

Attitude to Customers

1. Respect Customers
  • Think and act from the perspective of customers, and strive to provide the best products and services that customers will be satisfied with and rely upon.
  • Provide correct information on products and services to customers, respect various opinions of customers and actively reflect those opinions to the Company's management activities.
2. Protect Customers
  • Protect profit, safety and personal information of customers and do not attempt any unfair act on customers.

Attitude to Shareholders and Investors

1. Protect Rights of Shareholders
  • Protect rights of shareholders and respect reasonable demands and suggestions of shareholders.
  • Build mutual trust relationships with shareholders and investors, and endeavor to maximize profits for shareholders.
2. Treat Equally
  • Treat every shareholder fairly and equally, including minority shareholders.
  • Make management decisions in consideration of the interests of all shareholders so as to not unfairly hurt the interests and rights of minority shareholders.
3. Provide Information Actively
  • Record and control accounting materials according to generally recognized accounting principles so to transparently provide the financial status and management performance of the Company.
  • Provide timely management information according to relevant laws and regulations for information users including investors to make reasonable investment decisions.

Attitude to Partners

1. Fair Business with Partners
  • Build mutual trust and cooperation relationship with partners by transparent and fair business activities so as to pursue mutual development.
  • The Company shall not force unfair acts in any form nor exercise influence using supreme status.

Responsibilities to Employees

1. Fair Treatment
  • Do not unfairly discriminate against employees and provide fair opportunity to employees according to their competence and talent.
  • Establish evaluation standards for employee talent, competence and performance, and fairly evaluate and reward employees.
2. Work Environment Building

  • Respect individual personalities and the basic rights of employees and endeavor to build a safe work environment.
  • To foster our employees to become enterprising and creative, support development of human resources as well as self-realization by maintaining development of the professional training program.

Social Responsibility

1. Comply with Domestic and Overseas Laws and Regulations
  • As a member of the country and the local community, the Company shall comply with all ranges of laws and regulations but also every international law and regulation that is generally accepted.
2. Contribute to National Economy and Social Development
  • The Company shall contribute to the national economy and social development by productivity enhancement, job creation and faithful tax payment.
  • Ensure and actively support employees' participation in sound social activities and voluntary services.
3. Protect Environment
  • The Company shall work hard to protect nature and to preserve a clean environment.

Basic Ethics of Employees

1. Make Sound Corporate Culture a Lifestyle
  • Each employee shall share the Company's management philosophy and sympathize with targets and values the Company pursues, and he/she shall faithfully perform missions assigned to him/her according to the job policy of the Company.
  • Each employee shall spend his/her life in and with the workplace and shall comply with basic instructions.
  • Each employee shall help influence organizational culture based on smooth communication and mutual trust between corporate hierarchy and between coworkers.
  • Each employee shall do his/her best to perform their given tasks in a reasonable way and comply with every related law and regulation and the Company rules.
2. Prohibition of Acts in Conflict of Interests
  • Each employee shall try his/her best not to do any act or to create any relationship of which interest conflicts with the Company. Should interests conflict between the Company and the individual employee or between departments, the Company’s interest shall be deemed to be a priority.
3. Prohibition of Internal Information Use
  • Each employee shall not use internal information acquired through business to trade stocks.
  • Each employee shall not disclose important confidential information that may affect the stock price to a third party without legal procedures.
4. Protect Corporate Properties and Important Information
  • Each employee shall protect the Company's physical properties, intellectual properties and confidential business information and shall not use those for his/her personal purposes.
  • Each employee shall not seek personal profit using his/her position and shall not commit any unfair business act using confidential information acquired from the Company.
  • Each employee shall not externally leak important information that may affect the Company's interest.
5. Prohibition of Sexual Harassment
  • Each employee shall not communicate/perform any language or action that hurts sound fellowship including any verbal and body language, and any actions that are perceived to induce sexual humiliation.
6. Prohibition of Political Involvement
  • Each employee shall not be involved with any political activity in the workplace during work hours, and shall not use any organization, human resource or property of the Company for political purposes.
  • Individual political rights and opinions of employees shall be respected but each employee shall be careful in expression of his/her political opinions or his/her political involvement so as to not to mislead the Company's position.
7. Do not Accept Gifts and Entertainments
  • Each employee shall not receive money, gifts or entertainments from interested parties such as business partners.
  • Each employee shall not provide any gifts or entertainment beyond the scope accepted by social norms to interested parties such as business partners in relation with the Company's business.
  • Each employee shall not provide or accept any money, excessive gifts or entertainment from/to other employees.
8. Compliance with Ethical Statements
  • Every employee shall faithfully comply with ethical statements and shall be responsible for violations, if any.
  • If forced to act against ethical statements or witnessed unfaithful acts, each employee shall report it to the department in charge of ethical statements.
  • If any of these ethical statements are violated, each employee shall undergo thorough cause analysis and training to prevent recurrence.