About Company

To be globally competitive with a humble mind at all times, the Company will seamlessly challenge and march forward to fulfill its responsibility to the country and society.

As part of globalization strategies realized by overseas market entry along with Hyundai Motors' entry into China, 'Beijing Hyundai Motors', in 2002, Tianjin Pyung Hwa Elastech Co., Ltd. was established in 2005.

With product quality assurance and compliance to relevant laws and regulations including environmental safety, the Company maintains environmental management, faithful labor and management relationships and transparent management, and completely fulfills social responsibility. In addition, through forward looking and challenging activities rather than stable growth, the Company puts every effort in securing outstanding talent with global competitiveness and concentrates its competence on quality innovation activities for sustainable growth and competitiveness, particularly in China.

Further, we are committed to the growth of the Company with competitive technologies and quality levels for customer satisfaction to become a leader in the global auto parts industry.

Thank you.

CEO 박선규