About Company

Taking human and environment into consideration and facilitating harmonization between economic growth and environmental preservation, the Company will foster human resources and do its best for technical development to enable it to contribute to the local community and environmental preservation.

As part of globalization strategies realized by overseas market entry along with the Hyundai Motors' entry in China, 'Beijing Hyundai Motors', in 2002, Tianjin Pyung Hwa Ki Gong Co., Ltd. was established in 2003.

Through steadily built-up trust with customers, technologies and experiences accumulated for a long time, continual R&D and new product development, and aggressive investment, the Company would like to extend the business areas to home appliance parts and industrial parts other than auto parts so to challenge the 21st century's new environment.

I'd like ask for your enduring interest and support in the future as well. Customers and shareholders, I wish you and your families to always be in good health and have good luck.

Thank you.

CEO 박선규